When I was there, spring semester always started on a Tuesday.

(owing to MLK Jr. Day, of course)
One of the things they do, though, is to ensure that an equal number of specific weekdays occur in a semester. This is why one of the Tuesdays has a "follow Monday schedule", because they can't easily give people a Tuesday off. What they end up doing, by virtue of this, is putting the reading days on a Thursday and Friday and then having a full finals week, rather than what they previously did in a fall semester when I was there, which was to have a weekend in the middle of finals week. This is shown by reading days start on the 13th, and then finals are the 17th-21st. There are 14 class days for each weekday in this upcoming semester.
For those wondering for optics, MLK Day was usually the Monday off, President's Day was the Tuesday (follow Monday schedule), spring break always a full week, Wednesday was GM Day, and then reading days for the Thursday and Friday. For Spring 2019, they're actually short a Wednesday, given they're also starting that on a Thursday, but the RF following the MT schedules that week, same three holidays with "follow schedule", and then finishing the classes on a Friday. It works out so there's only 13 Wednesdays, and 14 of the others.