I'm going to cover several topics in this post.
I've been an RPI fan since the 1960's and I absolutely cannot recall who Screech might have been or why anybody would want him (her? it?). Guess I haven't been a fan long enough to qualify for long-time status.
Dis Maly was my academic advisor during my upperclass years. Some years back, I visited Troy and went to church on a Sunday morning. I noticed on the church bulletin that one of the church officers was Dis Maly. I asked the rector whether this might be my old adviser, but from what he told me, the guy wasn't nearly old enough to have been my adviser. Which apparently means that my adviser, after living with his name all his life, named his son Dis Maly, Jr.
Third, I'm planning to come up for the playoff series the weekend of March 15-17. I haven't been to an RPI home game since October 2008. At that time the ECAV was under construction, which resulted in the elimination of a good deal of the available parking area around the Field House. People driving to the games were advised to park in the North Lot, from which they ran shuttle buses to the Field House.
Have they restored the parking around the Field House since that time, or are people still expected to park in the North Lot and use the shuttle buses?