Re: Rep Retirement Lodge: The Banana Bread Is Running Out
Along the lines of meds, I'm overdue for my meds. I get a phone call 4x/year to refill my prescription. Haven't gotten one this quarter. Went to the doc's, and found that I have to set up an appt to get the OK for another year of refill. No notice from the pharm company about my script running out, no anything. The doc is simply the middleman in this case* and they confirmed that is what happened.
This has changed since I started getting this med a couple years ago. The company was on the ball, maybe even over-aggressive on it. Ugh. Thankfully, the doc had a spare dose of what I needed, so I still got it. (Yes, it's covered under insurance, I actually pay nothing due to a change in my insurance policy, since I was grandfathered in before all this health care mess started).
*Doc/middleman: it has to be refrigerated, so my med is delivered to the doc's office, since if it were delivered to my apt, it would go bad/be ineffective by the time I got to my mailbox/office.