My apologies to Mookie and Scarlet, but holy sh** pour me a celebratory cold one! HHT!!!
Morning Lodge! Today is a day.
That's deep.
They're giving away schedule magnets tonight? How do you know that halfway around the world and I don't?When do you plan on making you way back to the homeland? I have the banquet poster from last year too.
This one is just the home schedule. Same with the t-shirt they gave out on Friday. I’m with you. I think the whole schedule should be on it.
I felt like complaining again.!1s8rlmQeydXJDKW1tORvsX7Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192. Look at the sign n the middle of the picture. It has been made so even illiterati can see that the black top to the left is for bikes and pedestrians should be to the right. I am getting tired of dodging groups of people meandering in the so-called Protected Bike Lanes, usually on the wrong side of the line in the middle. Those signs are repeated at least at every intersection. No complaint about the man trying to figure out the parking meter.
I couldn't find a road crossing with a violator. Google street view doesn't follow the path.
There is something a bit in the distance here!1s3u-Np-BxSnYqxtXusti0RQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192.
Good afternoon Lodge.
Important question for anyone whose athletic department does schedule magnets: Does the magnet include the entire schedule, or just the home schedule?
I hate that Michigan's athletic department thinks hockey fans should only care about home games (it might include the game vs. State at LCA also).
I still love Michigan sports, but my hate for sports marketing grows each year.
I just downloaded/subscribed to SCSU's iCalendar. Home and away games are all loaded. Look at that, SCSU did at least one thing right!