Hahahaha! I love auto correct some times.Does anyone have any suggestions as to what percentage, if anything, one should tip at retardant where one normal eats about once a month but now has to order takeout?
Edit: Damm auto-correct. Make that 'restaurant".
The world has made a huge business of telling expectant families they need all sorts of sh1t that is baby specific and new. You need a car-seat to travel home, diapers, clothes* and food. If you are breast feeding you don't need anything solid for months.Good Morning, Lodge!
I am out of Wisconsin. When they closed down the state, we were considered "essential", but only 1 person needs to be there. My boss selected themself. HR never said if we were laid off or furloughed. The only thing they said was that we would have insurance until the end of the month. As I hold the health insurance, I opted to transfer to one of the grocery/liquor stores closer to home. My last day in Wisconsin I cleaned out my desk. The original plan for me was when I came back from maternity leave, I was going to go to one of the grocery stores so I can be closer to home and work part time. Former boss is not happy with me. I have zero *s given. I like working at the store. Easy, change of pace, and a 1/3 of the distance drive.
Hubby started a new job at the beginning of March. He is a supervisor. 3 weeks into the job, he had to furlough his entire shift. He is working 1st shift with a skeleton crew.
On the baby front, 29-1/2 weeks along. Lil' wore Black is his daddy 2.0. Crib is in place. We are trying to get the room ready for him, but it has been tough given the current situation.
The world has made a huge business of telling expectant families they need all sorts of sh1t that is baby specific and new. You need a car-seat to travel home, diapers, clothes* and food. If you are breast feeding you don't need anything solid for months.
*they don't need to be a perfect fit- bigger is OK. If you look at years ago (other than car seats) most everything was done in a way that was frugal and sensible. In a lot of places bassinets were a dresser drawer, the diapers were old cloths, food was stuff from the table and the boob and toys were what was safe in the living space. All this enrichment toy garbage is garbage. Kids learn just fine playing with a spoon and a pot.
** no strong feelings about thisover the years I have taken care of people who were uber well off, did everything the magazines told them and people who struggled to stay afloat and used what they had. The people who used what they had did just fine and their kids sometimes were better off developmentally.
I cannot believe the numerous items/crap people are saying that we need. I am playing this very cheap. We have received a bunch of used baby items from hubby's co-workers. One of them was a bassinet. I want to take advantage of the used item sales, but they are being postponed or cancelled. We are trying to stock on diapers and formula whenever we can.
It isn't 'cheap'. It is smart. No one needs a baby wipe warmer or a special thing to wipe binkies.I cannot believe the numerous items/crap people are saying that we need. I am playing this very cheap. We have received a bunch of used baby items from hubby's co-workers. One of them was a bassinet. I want to take advantage of the used item sales, but they are being postponed or cancelled. We are trying to stock on diapers and formula* whenever we can.
Hell, even a crib is optional to a point. Both LGFs were in a pack-n-play in our room for a large portion of their infancies. Made the nighttime feedings easier.
It isn't 'cheap'. It is smart. No one needs a baby wipe warmer or a special thing to wipe binkies.
Put out the word amongst your peeps- People will lend things. They keep it because they don't want to throw it away but will be glad to offload it.
I usually give board books, basic onesies and socks past 9 months and a Christmas tree ornament. No one ever gives clothes past 6-9 months. Onsies are useful no matter what season. so are sox. For family I start a savings account (not in the kids name- if tey end up needing any sort of social asst or scholarship that counts against them) that I add something for BD and Christmas every yr. They get it when they graduate from HS. Usually ends up around 1200$ We send a card every CHristmas telling the kid what they have in the acct. THey dream all sorts of dreams of what they will use it for and end up using it for things that are more practical. One of the kids used it to pay school when her dad absconded with money that was supposed to be hers.
*Careful with formula. Some babies don't tolerate certain kinds. You could end up with a stash that the baby can't tolerate.
Went shopping today. Saw online a Target near me had Clorox wipes. Left my place a little before 8am. And of course, no Clorox wipes. I also bought tennis balls. Why, you ask? I have a light down jacket that I wanted to wash as soon as I got home. The washing instructions said to dry it with three tennis balls. Not sure why. The jacket is now clean and dry.
Went to my Market Basket. As of today, they're starting to limit the number of people in the stores. I didn't have to wait very long. My store is quite large. They had pretty much everything I needed, except for toilet paper. I got that at the next Target I went to. Which also had no wipes. I'm not checking that stuff online any more. A friend found some at a BJ's that's literally up the street from my place. I may do a temp membership so I can give that a whirl.
What I did get at Market Basket was bleach. Been researching how to use it. I get that it needs to be diluted and I can put in a spray bottle. But nowhere have I seen how to use it. Do I wipe/wash with a cloth? Paper towels? Should I wear gloves? Anyone?
We use it all the time at my work. 10 parts water, 1 part bleach.
We only use it on surfaces so I have no idea for food.So you don’t clean with soapy water first? Everything I’ve read said you need to do that. Which means I’ve wasted money on bleach as I wanted to dilute it and spray on a paper towel to wipe down my groceries, not use soap and water first.
Gah! When will stores get wipes again???
We only use it on surfaces so I have no idea for food.
For things like groceries, you could just let them sit for a day. We usually just let them stay in the entry way unless they need refrigeration.
If they need to be frozen or chilled, we just wipe them down with wipes or even a paper towel with dampened with soapy water. Honestly the risk is very minimal. But if you want to be sure, soapy water or alcohol on a paper towel is fine. I’m sure a flour sack type kitchen towel or whatever you have in your kitchen is fine.
Most sites I’ve read say it’s not necessary though. That said, we didn’t want to take chances.
So you don’t clean with soapy water first? Everything I’ve read said you need to do that. Which means I’ve wasted money on bleach as I wanted to dilute it and spray on a paper towel to wipe down my groceries, not use soap and water first.
Gah! When will stores get wipes again???
Soap and water are a better choice. The soap breaks down the 'capsule' of the virus. I fill the sink with soapy water, pop the plastic things into the sink give them a quick wash and then put them on a dishtowel until they are all done then wipe off without rinsing. Agree with dx- We leave the dry goods in a section of the floor in the dining room for a few days.There are no wipes to be found. Nor is there any alcohol to be found. That’s what started all this conversation.
Lil' wore Black's room is not that far away. We are going to be getting a pack-n-play from my in-laws. That might be placed downstairs when my parents come over. My mom cannot go upstairs.
I still do not get the point of wipe warmers. We have put out the word with friends and family. I am waiting to see when is a good time to go to one of my friend's house to pick up some of their items. Here is to hoping everything will be starting to get back to normal by the time the baby arrives in mid-June.
Dude, the weekend just isn’t even relevant. It feels like we’ve lived a year in the last month.