The Song includes the phrase, a Load of Iron Ore. How could you not know it was the biggest Oreboat on the Lakes??![]()
Unfortunately not. Going through the locks means your main deck goes below the lock walls too, so it would get sheared off....
I guess we could always apply for the Futile Four?If that didn't get automatic acceptance, I don't know what would.
*ing Welland Canal
An arena with no spectating area, no outside windows, too-small ice, and stuck in a Lake Michigan storm in March/April? That ought to make it, yup.![]()
So if I put a load of Iron Ore on a pontoon, does that make it an ore boat? Just saying.![]()
Ok, get one of those ore boats, and have a college game ON. THE. BOAT. In the middle of Lake Superior.![]()
*ing Welland Canal
An arena with no spectating area, no outside windows, too-small ice, and stuck in a Lake Michigan storm in March/April? That ought to make it, yup.![]()
Out having a couple drinks at Shamrock's and the Wild Onion with some friends...Quiet night around these parts.![]()
The whole not being able to get a job in your field part sucks too. I know there are several others here that agree with me....Actually adulthood isn't that bad for the most part. Although the whole keeping a job and paying bills thing kinda sucks.
Sounds like you have one of those bosses that you want to tell to go * themselves...Yeah, sounds like it, but, well, let's put it this way: if I told my boss that I was having a glass of wine from a new bottle, he'd accuse me of just drinking grape juice, then tell me to have someone else open it as I'd probably destroy the cork (even though the person he'd recommend had never used a corkscrew), and then, if there were any flaws in the glass or the wine, they'd all be my fault.
Adulthood, work, it all *ing sucks.
Similarly, who would buy an airplane and have Sloe Gin and myself fly it?Who would buy a yacht and hire yours truly to Captain it? Clearly one of you would like to cruise the Caribbean.
I didn't know what one was either. But, unlike Brent, I know how to skate so my Minnesotaness shouldn't be in question.How the * are you a Minnesotan - one that LIVED in Duluth - and not know what an ore boat is?![]()
Hmmm... a little surprised that Dirty didn't jump in here and say this should happen just on general principle.You should be pelted with used hockey pucks to the tune of the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald for not knowing that!!![]()
when i lived on virgin gorda back in 1992 i met a lot of people who captained boats around the islands for people. half the time it was just the crew keeping the boat on the water while the owner was back in the states or in europe.
The Song includes the phrase, a Load of Iron Ore. How could you not know it was the biggest Oreboat on the Lakes??![]()
I was dreaming of times when I could drink it.Tequila doesn't seem like it'd mix well with chocolate milk
EDIT: And I piled on in the Union thread. I shouldn't have, I know, but...![]()
Because we would never grow up.Pulling a les' tonight, hot chocolate for me. Lots of thinking to doWhy didn't anyone tell us that adulthood was going to be difficult?!
I've always said that if I won the lottery and squared everything away financially and could live off the winnings, I'd open a bistro.
Kill Joy.That would be your first obstacle, but you also have Iroquois, Eisenhower, Snell, then all the Canadian locks up to Montreal through the Seaway.
Oh, and...
Good Morning boys!
In an effort to see where my money goes I set up a budget for this year last night. To start with I gave myself $15 of daily allowance which is kind of high. Just to see if I am spending at that level.
Its never the large purchases that get you, its all the nickel and dimes.
I'm a man thank you very much.![]()
My grey hairs told me so.![]()
If we're talking about rebuilding crappy teams, why not get a group together and buy the Detroit Lions?I'd buy the Pittsburgh Pirates and rebuild the franchise from the farm system up.