Evening, Lodge!
As for how I fared today:
place: 829
Age group: 76th
Time: 5:11:10
Pace: 11:53/mile
For being a first time marathoner, I think I did well. However, I did not anticipate my legs turning into cement at mile 20. Thankfully, my Team in Training coaches and other runners kept spurring me on, encouraging me to just keep moving, and when I finally saw the finish line, I gathered whatever I had left, and surged for a strong finish.
I have a brand new medal and a Team in Training finishers pin to show for my efforts... plus I had a chocolate gel-stache after the race, but after finishing a marathon, who cares if you've got a little energy gel on your face?
Post-race, the marathon provided the standard water, gatorade, fruit, and bagels, plus they offered string cheese, yogurt, chili from Wendy's, beer from New Holland brewing company, and frozen custard from Culver's.
During the Team in Training victory celebration, we dined on roast beef, roasted potatoes, a Caesar salad, corn, chicken wings, plus a tray with grapes, crackers, baguettes, and various cheeses. Don't think I'll ever eat as well again as I did this weekend.
As for tomorrow, I have to work, but I've been told to rest and go for a little walk to keep the blood flowing.
Well, have a great night, folks.