Let's see. We start with:
ScoobyDoo: awesome. always good to get all lubed up for work.
MeanEgirl: *drool* ... I could sure go for your meat in my mouth right now...
brianvf: Following the meal will be the shafting
French Rage: Only white man who ever made me moist.
Quizmire: bending over doesn't happen so much because of the boning. breathing is also slightly difficult.
KC8NIY:I love giving it to Dirty
Brenthoven: I just got anally violated
St. Clown: Now my butt cheeks hurt.
TA Jen: But I like poop.
BPH: Fuskwers wer know wast we're psting to!!! TWeinch ands I havre awrewladty dfewown ed a firh of Sailotrr Jerry a nd cidert.WRew]re not homoreas,e vern i Twith is pinding my monkey.
Scarlet: Hi Lofge, Im not going to lie, I;nm a little bizzed,m.
Twitch Boy: I'd ban you like s acreen door in ahurraince.
MeanEgirl: Uhghh.. I need som eaction.
wolverineTrumpet: bedn over grapb ankles
crazytechfan: thats' really punelplasent & pusteting.
And come up with:
BPH: Fuskwers wer know wast we're psting to!!! TWeinch ands I havre awrewladty dfewown ed a firh of Sailotrr Jerry a nd cidert.WRew]re not homoreas,e vern i Twith is pinding my monkey.
Scarlet: Hi Lofge, Im not going to lie, I;nm a little bizzed,m.
ScoobyDoo: awesome. always good to get all lubed up for work.
MeanEgirl: *drool* ... I could sure go for your meat in my mouth right now...
brianvf: Following the meal will be the shafting
French Rage: Only white man who ever made me moist.
Twitch Boy: I'd ban you like s acreen door in ahurraince.
MeanEgirl: Uhghh.. I need som eaction.
wolverineTrumpet: bedn over grapb ankles
Quizmire: bending over doesn't happen so much because of the boning. breathing is also slightly difficult.
KC8NIY:I love giving it to Dirty
Brenthoven: I just got anally violated
crazytechfan: thats' really punelplasent & pusteting.
St. Clown: Now my butt cheeks hurt.
TA Jen: But I like poop.
she was juswt as godo on twiiiter!![]()
The good news is the the replacement DVD drives for my computer showed up. I hope that it only requires removing a few screws and power and data cables and connecting the new ones.
You'd save a few characters by not bolding.
I thought that the limit didn't include any coding? Did I misread that part?
Formatting doesn't count against your limit. I've hit the limit in my sig a few times too![]()
. Dish Network guy is here to set me up with tv and a dvr (hopefully), so that I can worship this afternoon.![]()
Morning Lodge.
Just sitting around waiting for it to be time to go golfing. Hopefully I'll win some money...
Who gets wasted on a Saturday night in college and is home before midnight to post on a message board?![]()
Me too. I can just picture diva jumping up and down in her chair typing that frenetically.![]()
ctf, apparently.
that was to me too.![]()
Anyone else think she was faking some of that? And where is DL?
I don't care that much about the NFL, and I haven't played in this tourney before, so I'm looking forward to it. I usually watch the NFL way too much early in the year, and get burned out on it, so I'm bored with it late in the season. This year I'm only watching a little early, hopefully I'll stay interested later in the year when there's nothing else to do on Sundays.Golfing? GOLFING?! On NFL Sunday?! BLASPHEMY.![]()
Houghton, MIAnd where is DL?
I don't care that much about the NFL, and I haven't played in this tourney before, so I'm looking forward to it. I usually watch the NFL way too much early in the year, and get burned out on it, so I'm bored with it late in the season. This year I'm only watching a little early, hopefully I'll stay interested later in the year when there's nothing else to do on Sundays.
Houghton, MI
I probably won't be watching next week either, since I think Shirtless Guy and I are getting tickets for the Twins last game at the Metrodome.I weep for the future of our country.![]()
I have realtively high stadnards.
I jsut have a helluva lot mroe oipporutniutes, sir.
no foeense.
This one started off well, but you can only hide drunkenness so long.
Well played.
I need to not drink.
I told you should have drank more water before going to bed last night.![]()