Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 196: Spam, Spam, Spam
Nope. It's 86 right now, so a little warm, but tolerable. I have one of those digital A/C thermometer remote control thingies that tells me the temp. It'll get down to about 80 tonight. Might I remind you, I wear jeans year-round. I don't even own shorts (although that is for the public's benefit just as much as my comfort level )
At 83 you must be in your bath tub filled with cold beer for it to be comfortable.
Nope. It's 86 right now, so a little warm, but tolerable. I have one of those digital A/C thermometer remote control thingies that tells me the temp. It'll get down to about 80 tonight. Might I remind you, I wear jeans year-round. I don't even own shorts (although that is for the public's benefit just as much as my comfort level )