Nope. We are in a little window of outage with 122 people. Bundled up with 3 top layers, 2 layers on the bottom, 2 pairs of socks, wrapped in a blanket with my feet on a stoneware hot water bottle. Drinking raspberry tea. No power except what we are drawing off the generator from next door. Uff da it is cold.
Another day of correcting is in the offing. Not exciting me at all. On the plus (or minus side depending on how you look at it) power and lights out happen at 10P. Forced bedtime.
I forgot to mention I caught some respiratory thing so my nose runs like a faucet everytime I drink something warm.
and we had our new stove delivered- it, too, seems to be having the yellow flame issue the old one was having- meaning it may be a gas line adding O2 and I might have bought the stove for nothing.
Good Morning Lodge!