Good morning Lodge. Ice/rain finally stopped. Nice little reprieve today before more snow tomorrow morning. Ugh.
Today we were supposed to go to my cousin’s for Christmas Eve. She texted yesterday morning to say her husband and daughter were sick, she was running out to do errands. They ordered chicken parm and salad. Around 5-ish my cousin texts to say they were taking her husband to the ER in an ambulance. OMG! She couldn’t go because she has two little kinds, one of whom was sick. Her mom had to drive in the ice to stay with her kids so she could go to the hospital. Such drama. So, my brother and I said we would drive there today to drop off all the gifts, pick up gifts and a tray of chicken parm and bring here and then my brother and his family could come here.
Watching a movie last night, I see a post on Facebook by my SIL asking for plumber recommendations. Uh oh. Turns out, they couldn’t turn off the shower, had to have a plumber come in around 10pm, break thru a wall in their bedroom closet so he could turn the water off. Cost them a pretty penny. We’re supposed to go over there on Christmas Day.
I’d hold me breath today as things come i. Threes, but my younger brother reminded me of how a truck backed into his car the day he was flying here last week. I hope that’s it!