Howdy Lodge. Happy Monday. Had a nice little melt down with my boss this morning. Didn't mean to melt down. Was practicing all weekend what I was going to say to her. I'm getting increasingly frustrated that I am being left out of meetings on events that I will be a part of. I told her I just don't feel a part of this team. She's leaving tonight for Geneva, Switzerland for a conference and I really didn't want to do this right before she left, but there you go. She actually was pretty great about it, realizing that I have indeed not been a part of things, etc. She said there's a weekly status where all this stuff is discussed. I told her I am not invited. I did want to say "Did you not notice I'm not there?" but held off.
I'm more mad at myself for letting it all get to me as much as it has. I have a stress headache right now because of it.