Good Morning Lodge!
I am 'retired' but the sandwich generation thing is killing me.
Trying to buy a digital photo frame. We got one for the FIL at BB and it was a fiasco. I have to get a replacement. I have 2 degrees and can't seem to find a reliable way to find what I am looking for. You can't believe what they make these things do now and how much they cost.
Conversation starter- have people always viewed everything in a political lens and I have been sheltered or are things really crazy right now? My FB feed is full of memes excoriating Olympic athletes and implying politics (esp related to race) as a motivator for everything. At first I thought they were joking but they weren't. One went so far as to blame the Prez because the athlete didn't smile and meant it.
From what I remember if someone doesn't do well in a competition they aren't looking happy its because they felt they sucked. Guessing most of these athletes are not too concerned with big world events when they are trying to achieve their athletic dream. Am I miss-remembering?