Good morning Lodge. Back from Chicago. I'm tired. I initially had a 3pm flight home, but we had tickets to the US Women's Soccer game at noon so my boss told me to check and see about changing my flight to a later one. Found out you can do a same day flight change for just $75. Which is much better than officially changing a flight for $200 plus the cost of the difference in fare. So I did that, booking myself on a 6:36 flight. Left for O'Hare about 4:15. Ten minutes into the drive, I get notification that the flight is delayed 39 minute, now leaving at 7:15. OK, not too bad. Will give me a chance to get to the gate, get something to eat, charge my phones.
Sitting there charging my phone and reading a book and get a notification that the delay is now 1 hour and 39 minutes, now leaving at 8:15. Greeeeaaat. I tweeted to American to ask why, they responded that the crew for this flight was on a delayed flight coming in. Pain in the butt, but that happens. 8:15 became 8:35, then 8:45. We were wheels up at 9:20. Landed a little after midnight, got home close to 1am. Thank God today is Sunday.
And it's gray and cool, so I'm going to go food shopping and maybe cook a few things today. Or I may just nap. Will let you know later.