Well hello sir! Good to see you around here!
Morning y'all.
Of course no need to answer if you don't want to, but have any of you been to a sporting event where you paid quite a bit of money for a ticket, moreso than you maybe would've thought you ever would because it was so important or rare?
(I get that's kind of a well, it's worth what you're willing to pay for it type of deal, but I'm struggling to justify this)
I am hoping to attend the Rose Bowl. I should be able to get tickets through the University of Iowa for face value. Demand is insanely high, though, and I'm going to be nervous until i have confirmation I've got them.
Anyways, just in case I get snubbed, I've been looking at ticket prices and for three of us, yes I know that's not a great number, if we wanted to buy tickets they're $900 a piece on the secondary market.. 5 times face value. Iowa hasn't been to a Rose Bowl in my lifetime however, and it's been a dream of mine and really my dad's to watch Iowa play there. I don't really want to risk not doing this while we can, life does come at us fast and sometimes unexpectedly.
I guess part of me really wants to do this no matter what, and another part of me says, that's a lot of money for a football game, and that doesn't include air, room, car, food, beer, etc.