I'm just in the worst mood. Came home to just chill out on my couch and catch up on some DVR'd shows. Comcast not working. Go on Twitter to find out there's a HUGE outage of its X1 platform. Tried to unplug and replug the box, that usually works. Nope. Not going to call, they're just going to say they're working on it. Tried to go to Comcast.com and access my DVR through my account that way. Logged in and was told I wasn't the primary on the account. Um, what?? I can't even right now.
And I just saw that UConn beat BC. While this should cause me immense joy, it does not. Why? Because BC's next game is at home, against BU. You really think they're going to lose two in a row???? Why do they win win win win and win and then when I NEED them to win, they ****ing lose. To a team like UConn.
I'm making my lunch and going to bed because I just hate everything right now.