Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #173: (Insert Title)
We're back.
We're back.
Break out the brooms, Tech is starting the season 4-0 for the first time in f* knows how long.
since the Hr
I don't know how to feel about this?
It was fun watching goldy and hoven sweat for a bit though.
I kept calm and Chived on. Good meeting you, and good seeing goldy again.
HHT! Sweep! Mine eyes have seen the glory! I picked the right game to go to.
Bought tickets from a scalper. He wanted $35 (good seats, too; row 7) but I passed and said I'd just pay $25 for SRO. He wavered (this was about 10 minutes before puck drop) and realized his tickets would be no good in a few minutes. He politely asked if I could go $30. I figured, if I couldn't find another good seat/if ushers kicked us out from in front of the band, at least I actually had a seat to go to. So I bought the ticket. $5 insurance policy, if you will.
Likewise. I would have brought little g with but we were section 2 row 9. Lots of steps for him. I would have stayed and bs'd some more but little g II was jonsing to eat his dipping dots.
she's eye candy yet she's good at the job
Hoooooooooly crap is tomorrow (today) gonna suck. Oooooops.
Marines 1 RB 0
shoulda offered to scout the route
Yeah, the marine corps marathon throws a wrench into things.