Finally home! After over an hour on hold with our travel desk, mo co-worker and I decided to just book one-way tickets on Jet Blue. There was a 7am and an 11am flight and both were planning to take off. We did pros and cons of either and the 7am won out. They were predicting crappy roadways again but I think that would have been liked that all day.
We got in the car at 4am and headed out slowly. The main free wasn't too bad till we started hitting overpasses, and wow. Plows Dallas. Look into them. Hard ridges of thick ice - just awful. It was a hairy commute but it was really good that we were on the road so early there was no traffic. Got to the car rental center and there was no one at Enterprise. Left the keys in the car, got on a shuttle bus. Got to JetBlue and there was no line. At all. Checked in, got boarding passes, went to security. Again - no line. At all. I was worried that there would be a million people in line. Got to the gate, went to get coffee and breakfast and water. At the gate they announced they had some empty rows so I changed my seats so I could get a row to myself to sleep. Flight pulled away right on time. The tarmac was all icy as well. Seriously, they do not know how to clear out this crap.
Anyway, made it home safe and sound. I am seriously thinking about not flying American again. When we got to DFW, I noticed that 80% of the flights cancelled were American. Anyway, I'm not flying anywhere for a while.