Les, I saw you post that you weren't sure about going to Pittsburgh, but can't find the post and I'm too lazy to read back through several pages. I regret very, very little of my mis-spent youth. All those decisions that perhaps would have been better off made differently. They were made with the available resources, experience, and (lack of) brains that I had. However, the one that I really, truly wish I could have a do-over on was my decision to NOT go to the FF my freshman year when the team won it all. A team that I knew well because it is a small school, and for which I was the photographer. It was Spring Break and that's what I was - broke. With every fiber of my being, les, I urge you to go to Pittsburgh. When this becomes a yearly event for Lowell - and judging by last year it may become just that - you can skip a FF or two here and there. But this one? The first evah?? And with your relationship to the team? Go. Just go. Beg, borrow, steal the money. Put it on credit cards and figure out in May how to pay them off. Even if it will take months to get the cards paid off. But this year is special, and will never ever ever ever ever be repeated. Ever. I will honestly be upset if you don't go. And take Jr. Didn't someone say they have tickets they aren't going to use?