hope it works out man, but tell lil g that worst comes to worst, he'll get pampered by hot nurses non-stop!!!
ok, here's the dream mookie had.
brent was up in a tree and morphed/altered/changed into a deer. not a freak half man/half elf thingy, but a big buck - but not a lot of work on top (go figure). anyhow, when he was 'brent' he had sneakers and such, but as a deer he had hoofs and slipped. so deer brent is falling and breaking tree limbs and after a bit impales himself on a branch. he's stuck and all. hanging in the tree.
all of a sudden this hummer drives up and stops under the tree. dl jumps out and climbs on the hood, moves up to atop the cabin and frees brent. they are now on the ground, dl sitting and holding deer brent. deer brent is braying or whatever deer do when they talk. he's looking up at dl while he has this huge hole in him where the tree branch broke the fur/skin whatnot and bleeding. deer brent is braying and dl is answerin, "yeah, yeah. i know. it's ok." deer brent is starting to change back to brent, but dl tells him 'not yet! wait". deer brent brays back and dl pulls out this zippo and strikes a flame that would make jeff conway in 'Grease' blush. dl points the flame to deer brent's hole and the fur and skin start burning, but whatever dl is doing it is stopping the bleeding. smells pretty bad, all this fur burning too.
at this point mookie notices LWB and she's yelling "look at him!". she is going back and forth looking at deer brent and dl so i'm not sure who she's talking about. thought now mr quizmire shows up and he starts "yeah, look at him!"... be he is staring at brent. so mookie knows who mr quiz's talking about.
at this point mookie wakes up. the end.
mookie hasn't figured out what that all means.