Are the cis okay?
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #155: Back to School
Good morning, Lodge!
Good morning, Lodge!
My recommendation (these are always good):Just found out that Mr. wore Black's car is now junk. Gaskets are shot. The last thing we need is another car payment.
My recommendation (these are always good):
You said earlier that you have something like a year left on your current car payments, and yeah, it sucks to have 2 different car payments. So, buy a cheap, old, but reliable car, with the expectation that you'll drive it for about year, until your current payments are done, then go out and look for a new one at that time. If you buy an older 4-banger jap car, the thing will suck, but they generally run forever, and you'll probably get just as much out of it in a year as you pay for it now.
I call bull****. Semis can only be 80,000lbs without needed special permitting. 40,000 tons is 80,000,000lbs.heartbreaking news:
An overturned semi has spilled 40,000 tons of Bacon on I74 outside Peoria, IL.
Did you just do math in this thread?I call bull****. Semis can only be 80,000lbs without needed special permitting. 40,000 tons is 80,000,000lbs.![]()
I call bull****. Semis can only be 80,000lbs without needed special permitting. 40,000 tons is 80,000,000lbs.![]()
No, I did common sense.Did you just do math in this thread?![]()
Good solid thought there. A little TLC and they can run for forever it seems.My recommendation (these are always good):
You said earlier that you have something like a year left on your current car payments, and yeah, it sucks to have 2 different car payments. So, buy a cheap, old, but reliable car, with the expectation that you'll drive it for about year, until your current payments are done, then go out and look for a new one at that time. If you buy an older 4-banger jap car, the thing will suck, but they generally run forever, and you'll probably get just as much out of it in a year as you pay for it now.
Bacon!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!heartbreaking news:
An overturned semi has spilled 40,000 tons of Bacon on I74 outside Peoria, IL.
Yeah, I was thinking that myself. Maybe hockeyplayer could load that much on his boat, but not on a semi.I call bull****. Semis can only be 80,000lbs without needed special permitting. 40,000 tons is 80,000,000lbs.![]()
If bacon and math are discussed together in any way,any math talk is by default non-existant.
I spent a good portion of my day off helping my girlfriend clean her car.![]()
He was a little disappointed when the pool boy stopped by to clean the pool they don't have.Go on...
Any professors reading this: consider teaching Differential Baconquations. Macrobaconomics would also be acceptable.
LwB, most recent American small cars are pretty reliable too, if you happen to find a Neon or Cavalier. Good luck either way though, sucky thing to have happen. I'll let you know if I see anything cheap!
Afternoon, Lodge. I must be the good boyfriend, because I spent a good portion of my day off helping my girlfriend clean her car.Oh well - she said she'd go in on a batch of the White House Honey Ale for my next batch of beer
The answer is simple. You tell him he is free to survive with the one car- You will drive him where ever it works out for you and he can get to work however and you can pick him up after he gets out..... I am with bb_dl- get a clunker or see if anyone in the family has a clunker that will last a little longer that you can take off their hands.Thanks!
I am just upset that I am asking people that I know to help us out, and Mr. wore Black is complaining about adding more debt. Do I see him making a few calls and talking to people? It is absolutely frustrating. I just don't know what to do. He says that we can function with 1 car. I work in Eagan, and he works in Hopkins, and we work way different hours. Public transportation is not in either one of our favors. I can't keep ask my co-workers for a ride home as it is out of their way. I am at the point of meltdown. [/rant]