OK, this is getting ridiculous. I got tickets for tonight's Red Sox game from Coach. My dad had tickets for tomorrow's game. I had asked my niece about a month ago if she wanted to go, she had said yes but then I reminded her too late and she had to work. Asked three other people, no one could go. I had looked at the weather on Sunday, then yesterday, and both times it looked like tonight would be the better night. My dad sold his tickets for tomorrow's game, so, since I had no one to go with, I asked him if he wanted to go. I said "Weather will be better Tuesday any way!" I watched the weather this morning before leaving for work and brought shorts to wear to the game. My dad met me around 5:30 and guess what? Gray, foggy, and a little drizzle. Thankfully the seats were covered but it was a steady drizzle and cold wind while we were there. Couldn't stand it any more so we left after the 4th inning. And now the game is in a rain delay. It's July 31st. It should not be this cold and crappy out. I don't know if my dad and I will ever see a game this season with nice weather.