Cheer up, the worst is yet to come
'methinks we are still in for some boomers tonight.
Either you ate at a Mexican place for dinner or that's what the hot and sticky folks in cityslickerville are about to call it these days.
'methinks we are still in for some boomers tonight.
Psych rotation is fascinating. We still talk about it 30 yrs laterHot and humid today in the 603. I spent the afternoon at NHH (New Hampshire Hospital) beginning my 6 week psych rotation. On the plus side, it's quite cool in there. Downside, got to keep the ladies (and everything else) covered up which means socks, long pants, shirt, and sweatervest (I can't wear regular button up shirts without causing a scene).
got to keep the ladies (and everything else) covered up
Either you ate at a Mexican place for dinner or that's what the hot and sticky folks in cityslickerville are about to call it these days.
Hell of a light show right now to the north of Capital City, MN.
Breakfast of Champions?Lime A Ritas!!!!!
That wouldn't have been a bad way to beat the heat here.It only hit 100 here. I spent the afternoon at......the ice arena, watching hockey camps. I actually got a little chilled a couple times.
'88 was rough here, too, but I don't think it produced 5 100-degree days in a week, like this one did.