West Texas Wolverine
wants to see mountains
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #13^2: Independence!
Happy Sunday, partiers. Working all weekend!
Happy Sunday, partiers. Working all weekend!
Happy Sunday, partiers. Working all weekend!
Well, if you'd do your work during the week, you wouldn't be in this situation!
Church has an all-parish mass at 10 AM this weekend each year. Today it was a polka mass. Weird. Jr was a Eucharist Minister for the first time today.
Dumb question: All parish mass? This differs from a normal Sunday how? I mean, isn't the whole parish supposed to go each Sunday to begin with? (besides weddings/funerals, I really haven't stepped into a church in about 20 years)
Just one mass this weekend instead of the usual four. (Saturday 5:15 PM, Sunday 9 and 11 AM and 6:30 PM) Weekend after the 4th, just one at 10 AM Sunday.
I'm a lapsed Catholic. Annoys the parents, but I don't give a d*mn.
I'm a lapsed Catholic. Annoys the parents, but I don't give a d*mn.
Lapsed Lutheran here. I just don't feel like waking up that early on a Sunday morning to deal with a bunch of fawning busybody WASPs.
Plus my dad having gone full Limbaugh in his old age doesn't help. (His exact words when Iowa passed gay marriage? "That's where John Wayne grew up! How could this happen?" He also mentioned burning my Eagle Scout badge now that they accept gays.)
Heh. I was born into a Catholic family, but my mom stopped attending mass back when I was 3 or 4 years old. She raised me without going to church, and then she was shocked when I told her I'm an atheist. Actually, she said that I disgust her. Then she was appalled when I asked her what she expected since I never was in a church all the time I was a child. Some children's people.I'm a lapsed Catholic. Annoys the parents, but I don't give a d*mn.
My mom was disappointed, but understood. Dad didn't really care, not really a churcher anyway (he was raised Protestant, IIRC, but his family wasn't all-in for religion).Heh. I was born into a Catholic family, but my mom stopped attending mass back when I was 3 or 4 years old. She raised me without going to church, and then she was shocked when I told her I'm an atheist. Actually, she said that I disgust her. Then she was appalled when I asked her what she expected since I never was in a church all the time I was a child. Some children's people.
Vacation is over. I'm sure I have several hundred emails to sort through and numerous voicemails to listen to and then return calls. I know for sure I have a couple conference calls today. I can't wait to get back in the office..............