There is no pop up window. It's a separate page. From your page, to use you as an example, I see the Friends in common section and underneath that is the XXX Friends and See All links, both in the left nav. I click on See All, it brings me to a page that begins to list all the friends in alpha order. In the top right, and on the bottom right, are the page nmbers. So for example, it will say:
1 2 3 4 5 Next
Bolded number is the page number you're on. Conventional wisdom would dictate that once you got to page 5, it would change to:
5 6 7
or something like that. What's happening to me is I get to page 5, the Next disappears and I can't get to the other pages. And I know there are more records because it says something like Showing 101-150 of 249 records, and I'm only at the letter J. How do I get the rest of the list?