I've sat next to Quiz and been told we were going to hell.
*begin rant*
Ok, so I got the "thanks but no thanks" e-mail from the other airline I interviewed for. I thought this interview went really well. This is really starting to be a kick in the junk. I'm able to get the interview; then not get the job. I'm reading all this stuff that says don't blame yourself and it's a tough job market but really, I'm getting sick of not landing a *king job. To make matters worse, I'm done on May 1st, so unless I want to be a complete *king mooch and let the government subsidize my vacation from the job world, I need to find something. The problem is, there aren't a lot of flying jobs out there. So it looks like I'm going to be leaving the profession that has given me free travel benefits for the last four years and has allowed me to travel for free whenever I want. Am I going to miss the lifestyle of the airlines? Hell no. It sucks being on the road for days on end, staying in crappy hotels and not being near the people that matter to you. But I will miss the travel bennies for sure. The worst part of it is, I don't know what else I can do. Retail, sure, but it's going to pay me pennies. I can't make a living doing that. And who is to say I'll get hired there anyway? I'm really getting sick of this *t. And it's all thanks to Bryan *king Bedford. I encourage all of you to never book tickets on a Republic flight. Ever.
*end rant*