Being prepared isn't stupid ****. I had book I got from the library that had great recommendations on preparing for interviews/job searching. It was fairly intense and I didn't get all the way through it before returning the book.
However, one thing that I learned from that book that I believe will help me in interviews was writing up 3-5 accomplishments which I felt good about. Having several already in mind are great for some of the typical interviews of "tell us a time when..." which I have had a few of.
Write up a good 4-5 paragraphs about what the problem was (was there a need for something, did you go out of your way to fix something that wasn't part of your job), how you got involved, if you were able to get others to join the effort, how you worked with them, what you did to solve the problem, the end result, etc.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with the company you're interviewing at, but researching the company is always a good idea. You need to be able to answer "why do you want to work here?" questions and showing enthusiasm and knowledge of a company is better than being the canidate that applied because it was a job and they'll take anything (even if that's true...the company doesn't need to know that).