Re: Rensselaer Engineers: Pick to Click: 2012-13 Edition
Let's see if we can tally up how many points everyone's RPI picks were worth.
Let's see... add the 0, carry the 0, add a zero, and another, and another, carry a couple more zeros... I've got 0. Can anyone double-check my arithmetic?
Not a whole lot of high scores this week. The two opposing goalies (Cab Morris and Raphael Girard) were each worth 5 points with a pair of shutouts. Tyler Sikura was ineligible as Dartmouth's high-scoring forward. So, the highest-scoring position players on Friday were
Eric Neily (cnor, TuteScrooge, and vizoroo),
Eric Robinson (MavHockey, Ralph, and RPIHFH),
Brad Schierhorn (nobody), and
Andy Simpson (nobody). Neily, Robinson, and Schierhorn each scored a goal while Simpson assisted on Neily's. On Saturday,
Jimmy Vesey (nobody) netted the Crimson's last two goals and was their highest-scoring position player.
FlagDUDE was one of the 7 posters who failed to score a point, breaking his streak without setting him too far back in the standings, falling only one place. More than half of the 13 prognosticators that submitted picks for this week took after the Engineers and failed to hit the scoresheet.
cnor, MavHockey, and TuteScrooge were the three winners this week. There has still not been a repeat winner yet this season. Congratulations to these three. cnor was the big winner, moving from 10th to a tie for 5th. hawthr is still leading, but has seen his lead trimmed by a single point to 3. Considering he also didn't score a point, that's not too shabby.
Results! (and
3 + 1 points
2 points
Ralph Baer
0 points 