A deity screwed up and let his magic dust guy eat a fruit because his ribwife told him a talking serpent told her that the magic deity guy lied about it killing them. So the magic deity guy punished them for ever and ever because, despite the fact that the magic guy is everywhere at once, he didn’t know about it.
Pastor says it's okay to rape your wife. Pastor was subsequently sacked, though I'd prefer to see him gelded.
Just retire Christianity. Please. Take the stuff worth saving and junk the rest.
Not sure it’s even worth that. The stuff worth saving can be found in basically all other major religions anyway, so I’d rather not take any chances and just eradicate it completely.
You can work on doing that. I need destroy a virulent strain of Christianity that says speaking up for the poor, needy, destitute, and those who can't speak for themselves means you're a pinko commie liberal radical SJW hellbent on destroying America.
Reminder this time of year that "Mary, Did You Know?" is 4 minutes of mansplaining.
And every time I hear it, I scream "SHE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO FIND OUT, YOU (TWIT)!"