Fair enough! I am no so sure that it will not impact recruiting slightly. While Q honoring their commitment on a year by year status is honorable, that still does solve the idea about being "cut" or "mutually agreed" to leave where they are now like free agents and looking for a transfer. This would be akin to Q retracting a verbal commitment; word gets out and recruits have that to factor that in, ala Miami of OH and WI years back. Actually in retrospect, a prospect recruit would probably rather have the de-commitment before he enrolls therefore saving face of a failure once he got there. Look, I understand it is a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest world and as you say "hockey business"but to me this falls squarely on the face of the scouts/staff. A possible solution would be to "commit" much later in juniors (I know the pool dries up for which I say there is plenty especially late-developers). With Q having one bad year, it sounds like you are frantic and in panic mode instead of re-assessing and reflecting then taking action...losing the Peca's, Anas, Toews, St. Denis, Clifton bros will do it to you.