PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself. It's too easy to poke fun at you!
You are SO stupid that we don't even have to post a retort to clown on you. Your posts speak for themselves and believe me, they do speak VOLUMES about your lack of wit, humor and education.
Think about how sad your life is. You actually come here looking for abuse!!!
Reality check for Hokydad- Note Well.
I can't find ANY poster on ANY thread that doesn't think that you are a tool. Your comebacks are lame, not dry, LAME!
You recycle the same comeback lines for each of the many posters who crack on your idiocy. Do yourself a favor and buy hooked on phonics, spend some time at the library or pay someone to post for you!!!
Look at how you spelled Roslindale for goodness sake.
Please don't operate ANY machinery!!! Don't do anything more than breathe you slopey headed Cro-Magnon. You are likely to hurt yourself or someone else very badly if do anything other then just breathing. NO chewing gum or thinking while breathing either.
Certainly posting is out of the question as you have proven it to be too arduous a task.
FYI Arduous means difficult. I'm telling you so you don't cause yourself a brain bleed trying to figure it out. Dope!