As widely reported, Biden’s made several gaffes in the last couple of weeks. He
confused the late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl with former German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
confused the late French President Francois Mitterrand with current French President Emmanuel Macron and
misidentified Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as the president of Mexico, not Egypt.
These, while worrisome, are dwarfed by Trump’s recent gaffes. I’m not talking about the big lies he often makes: that he actually won the 2020 election; that he presided over the strongest economy in history; that
he was once named Michigan Man of the Year; that
windmills cause cancer, and so many more. Nor the dangerous policy pronouncements he’s made, like encouraging Russia to invade any country that
doesn’t pay its full share of NATO dues.
No, we’re talking about gaffes, the same kind of mental hiccups Joe Biden’s under fire for. Multiple times, in a January rant,
Trump confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He praised Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban as “
the leader of Turkey.” He bragged about beating Barack Obama in 2016 in “an election that everyone said couldn’t be won” and bragged about leading Obama “by a lot” in 2024. He claimed that
Joe Biden would get us “
into World War II.” And he blamed Jeb Bush, not his brother George W., for starting the War in Iraq.