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You mean the same Lincoln that in 1863 pardoned any Confederate who quit the war? The same Lincoln that would have likely done the same thing after it ended to help Reconstruction? The Lincoln that would have allowed slavery to continue to preserve the Union had the attack on Fort Sumter not happened and the South seceeded?
Gopnik either failed American History or he is a full on idiot.
Lincoln believe that preserving the union was what mattered. So leaders who DIDN'T quit the war would not have been pardoned. And when the rebels started the shooting war he mounted a response that eventually killed more people than in all of the other wars we have fought combined. That Lincoln wasn't first and foremost only an abolitionist isn't the only thing that would have driven him has he lived to see reconstruction. Perhaps Gopnik was engaging in a little hyperbole about what should have happened to trump in January of 2021, but the response by the justice department is one of the few issues I have with Biden. And his response is mostly driven by his reluctance to let go of the "when they go low we go high" mentality that he probably shares with Michele Obama, as well as his clinging to his well-known belief that he CAN work with the other side, and he SHOULDN'T politicize the DOJ. He's naive and wrong, but at least he comes to it from an acceptable hope.