French Rage
What should we evil libs change the name of Pennsylvania to? I nominate "Sorosabortionland".
Donnie went full Hitler before invading Poland on Truth Social...
Hilary was right about everything.
Except running.
She couldn't possibly have known, and no one knew, that Trump would draw and inside straight with help from the media, and the DOJ.
Hilary was right about everything.
She couldn't possibly have known, and no one knew, that Trump would draw and inside straight with help from the media, and the DOJ.
Not only was she the only candidate who could have lost to Dump. She was the only candidate who would not have beaten Dump by 20 points.
We are in this fix because of the ego and selfishness of the Clintons and the cringe of their slavish followers.
The group that Dinesh D’Souza replied upon for his 2000 Mules movie that was hyped by Trump was ordered by a judge to produce their evidence under oath in court. They had nothing.
Saw a little of the Wade and Willis testimony and the most surprising part is that they’re not part of the Trump legal team. How many lawyers don’t know what the term re-up means? It was an absolute train wreck.