New member
Good morning Lodge.
I have been at work for 10 minutes and I am already exhausted.
Did I get to work 1.5 hours after start time? yes, but that was expected as it was my turn to drop of the little one at daycare. 45 minutes of "I don't want to go to school". Yeah, well mommy doesn't want to go to work either. She woke up on her own, so I thought it'd be easier this morning, I wouldn't have a tired child. No, just a tearful child. I feel bad handing a crying 3 year old off to the teacher, but not bad enough to keep the crying kid home from school.
We dealt with that briefly. Then I told lil that if he was so tired and cranky in the morning we stop TV at night (because it was over stimulating) and keep backing up his bedtime until we got it right and he woke up cheerful, ready to go to school. Ha. Lasted 2 days. Then he explained to me he was CHEERFUL and ready to go to school. We 'tried' the new time for a few days, then added TV back to 'see if it made a difference'.
Good Evening Lodge!