OK, since this has evolved into an ice cream discussion......I am an ice cream person. New Englanders eat more ice cream per capita than any other part of the county and as such, I feel like we have way more options for ice cream here. My absolute fave is Brigham's chocolate. It is still available, despite having been bought by Hood. I prefer hard ice cream over soft serve but if soft serve is all that it is available, I love Dairy Queen. There used to be one in my hometown plus others close by but they all closed. There are still a few on Cape Cod. Kimball Farms is awesome, because you get SO MUCH. Bedford Farms is another one I go to quite a bit during the summer when it's open.
I love arenas that serve ice cream. And not those crime-against-humanity Dippin' Dots. Or novelties. I'm looking at you Tsongas. Used to serve Brigham's there but stopped. That made me sad. Fenway serves Hood soft serve. I recall getting into an argument at the Homer Dome in Minneapolis years back when I went out there to see the Red Sox. They're waffle cone sundae for some reason only came with vanilla when they had chocolate. It was very odd. They're reasoning was they wanted to save it. I mean, what if more people wanted the waffle cone sundae with chocolate ice cream? And then someone wanted a helmet sundae and they were out of chocolate??? I was like "Yeah, it's the bottom of the 5th and there's less than 20K people here. I do not think that is going to be a problem." They still wouldn't do it for me. Idiots.