An instance of serious academic philosophy and the popular news cycle. It's
not going well.
In brief: the
Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) are what you would think from the title: scientists, rationalists, and skeptics trying to protect the space of reason from attacks by the demagogues using religion as a cudgel. As a general rule, they do good things.
Steven Pinker is one of the most important and influential modern ethicists. Richard Dawkins you know. Jerry Coyne I had not heard of -- he is a biologist who is an important critic of intelligent design, creationism, and other religious dogma masquerading as pseudo-science. As a general rule, they do good things. Pinker, I would argue, has done great things.
So what happened was:
1. The FFRF published a paper by Coyne denying the genetic basis of trans identity.
2. There was a huge backlash.
3. The FFRF published a rebuttal by Kat Grant, a legal scholar and activist on LGBTQIA+ issues.
4. The FFRF pulled the Coyne paper.
Dawkins, Coyne, and Pinker protested the FFRF pulling the paper, and eventually resigned.
It's not wonderful and the rhetoric surrounding this is terrible on all sides. In my extremely uneducated view, Dawkins can be a blowhard who courts controversy and I am not surprised. Coyne was censored and so obviously he is angry and I would have been surprised if he didn't protest. Pinker, though... that's a problem. He is a guy who has spoken truth to power and he walks the walk in real life. He's not a troll. He quit because he didn't like censorship in the face of mass public anger and that is hard to argue with. It's really the very premise of FFRF.
Is it Ivory Tower to insist on rigorous standards of intellectual objectivity when addressing a topic where one population is in real danger from the predations of sociopaths who will enthusiastically misappropriate your argument as a weapon?