Cornell Big Red
The Second Sex by de Beauvoir. It's a lot to take in.
Not from what I've heard about Sartre.
The Second Sex by de Beauvoir. It's a lot to take in.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon.
- Snoopy (Charles M. Schulz)
I read The Stranger by Camus and loved it. Where else should I go with Camus?
The Plague (which is brilliant) and The Fall (which is snarky and funny) for fiction.
The Myth of Sisyphus for a detailed and demystified explanation of existentialism. Stay with it. I know it is lugubrious in spots and, unusually for Camus, almost Sartrian in its academic rigor, so it's not a fun read, but it does give the clearest and best examination of the problems existentialism sets out of solve.
I just ordered all of those. I will let you know what I think.
And when I withdrew from grad school last week, I included "the benign indifference of the universe" in my resignation letter.
That's my girl!
Thus the Past is a For-itself reapprehended and inundated by the In itself. How can this happen? We have described the meaning of being past for an event and of having a past for a human reality. We have seen that the Past is an ontological law of the For-itself; that is, everything which can be a For-itself must be it back there behind itself, out of reach. It is in this sense that we can accept the statement of Hegel: "Wesen ist was gewesen ist." My essence is in the past; the past is the law of its being. But we have not explained why a concrete event of the For-itself becomes past. How does a For-itself which was its past become the Past which a new For-itself has to be? The passage to the past is a modification of being. What is this modification? In order to understand this we must first apprehend the relation of the present For-itself to being. Thus as we might have foreseen, the study of the Past refers us to that of the Present.
But Dasein is equiprimordially in the untruth. Anticipatory resoluteness gives Dasein at the same time the primordial certainty that it has been closed off. In anticipatory resoluteness, Dasein holds itself open for its constant lostness in the irresoluteness of the they-lostness which is possible from the very basis of its own Being. As a constant possibility of Dasein, irresoluteness is co-certain. When resoluteness is transparent to itself, it understands that the indefiniteness of one's potentiality-for-Being is made definite only in a resolution as regards the current Situation. It knows about the indefiniteness by which an entity that exists is dominated through and through. But if this knowing is to correspond to authentic resoluteness, it must itself arise from an authentic disclosure. The in definiteness of one's own potentiality-for-Being, even when this potentiality has become certain in a resolution, is first made wholly manifest in Being towards-death. Anticipation brings Dasein face to face with a possibility which is constantly certain but which at any moment remains indefinite as to when that possibility will become an impossibility. Anticipation makes it manifest that this entity has been thrown into the indefiniteness of its 'limit-Situation'; when resolved upon the latter, Dasein gains its authentic potentiality-for-Being-a-whole. The indefiniteness of death is primordially disclosed in anxiety. But this primordial anxiety strives to exact resoluteness of itself. It moves out of the way everything which conceals the fact that Dasein has been abandoned to itself. The "nothing" with which anxiety brings us face to face, unveils the nullity by which Dasein, in its very basis, is defined; and this basis itself is as thrownness into death.
What has just been said can also be expressed by saying that Reason is purposive activity. The exaltation of a supposed Nature over a misconceived thinking, and especially the rejection of external teleology, has brought the form of purpose in general, into discredit. Still, in the sense in which Aristotle, too, defines Nature as purposive activity, purpose is what is immediate and at rest, the unmoved which is also self-moving, and as such is Subject. Its power to move, taken abstractly, is being for-self or pure negativity. The result is the same as the beginning, only because the beginning is the purpose; in other words, the actual is the same as its Notion only because the immediate, as purpose, contains the self or pure actuality within itself. The realized purpose, or the existent actuality, is movement and unfolded becoming; but it is just this unrest that is the self; and the self is like that immediacy and simplicity of the beginning because it is the result, that which has returned into itself, the latter being similarly just the self. And the self is the sameness and simplicity that relates itself to itself.
Also, Kep
If i understand it correctly, "Hell is other people" means "watch who you hang out with; the company you keep can become hell?"