Re: Pairwise and Bracketology 2013 Edition
This is a quick reference post, for results about tomorrow. I am assuming AK wins tonight - leading 4-1 in the 3rd.
In all cases of tomorrow's results, there is no change in the #1s - QU, Minny, Miami, Lowell
In all cases of tomorrow's results, the #4s will be - Niagara, RPI, BU and NoDame/AK depending on AK's result tomorrow.
IF DEN wins tomorrow: the 2s will be: NoDak, Den, BC, UNH, with Den/BC very close in RPI, which could affect ordering. The 3s will be as now: Mankato, WMU, Yale and SC, with Yale and SC very close in rpi, which could change the ordering.
Prov: QU,BC,Mank,NoDame/AK
GR: Minny,Den,WMU,BU
Toledo: Miami,NoDak,Yale,Nia
Manch: Lowell,NH,SC,RPI
IF DEN ties tomorrow: the 2s will be: BC, NoDak, NH, Mankato with a couple of possibilities for NoDak/NH ordering, which doesn't matter because of NH hosting. The 3s will be: WMU, Den, Yale, SC, with Yale and SC again very close in rpi.
Prov: QU,Mank,Den,NoDame/AK
GR: Minny,NoDak,WMU,BU
Toledo: Miami,BC,Yale,Nia
Manch: Lowell,NH,SC,RPI
IF DEN loses tomorrow, the 2s will be: BC, NoDak, NH, Mankato, and the 3s will be WMU, Yale, SC, Den. However, in the case here where Lk Superior and Harvard win, there is a possbility that SC would get a slight boost in rpi and win the compare with Yale, in which case they jump all the way to 8th, and the rest of the order stays the same.Prov:
QU,Mank,Yale,NoDame/AK or QU,SC,Yale,NoDame/AK
GR: Minny,NoDak,WMU,BU or Minny,NoDak,WMU,BU
Toledo: Miami,BC,SC,Nia or Miami,BC,Mank,Nia
Manch: Lowell,NH,Den,RPI or Lowell,NH,Den,RPI
How is that for complicated? And, it's only 4 games.???
YMMV on the particulars of the bracket.