Which, by the way, brings up this for discussion:
Disclaimer first: The current PWR follows the current RPI rankings pretty closely. As for the tourney field, only BC (+3), and Dartmouth (+3) are more than 2 spots off of their RPI rank. (I am ignoring that Providence wins the 4-way tie in the HE). Only BC and Lowell would be in the wrong bands (compared to if they simply used RPI), and only RPI (the school) would be out of the field, replaced by Omaha.
Now, that being said, what would everyone think of this:
To calculate each comparison:
RPI = 2 pts + tiebreak
TUC = 1 pt
ComOpp = 1pt
H2H = 1 pt unless the teams played more than 2 games and there was a sweep (then = 2pts)
My reasoning: First, if the RPI is doing what you want it to do, you should only override it in extreme circumstances. Hence, 2 points.
Second, in a long season, when you play someone is often more important than who is better, hence the change in the calculation for H2H.
Doing this on the present calculation (from the calculator here
http://www.elynah.com/tbrw/2013/cgi-bin/rankings.cgi) without being able to implement the h2h sweep, leaves all the rankings going by RPI.
Is their something better yet?
I think it unlikely the committee ever goes to KRACH, so I don't count that. How about, "Whenever RPI with within 1%, then look at other criteria?"