Ryan Maloney
New member
Now that the exhibition game is out of the way, it's time to discuss the games that matter. I'll start this off by pointing out that transfer Justin Fox and sophomore Eric Selleck were absent from the lineup in Oswego's exhibition win. Is there is a story behind that?
I finally got around to listening to BTB. Coach Emery does not mince words when asked about Hince.
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I've read the accounts in the paper of the exhibition game. I'd be curious to know your and Prez's thoughts on the new team and the new freshmen. What did Emery say about Hince?
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the exhibition game and only caught about five minutes of the audio web cast. I'm going to try and make it to the first away game at my favorite D3 arena, the Murray Dome, on Saturday night.
Emery said Hince's decision to leave was among the dumbest decisions Emery has ever seen in his 22 years of coaching.
We may pick on him here a lot, but the guy never pulls his punches and I couldn't agree with Coach Emery any more than I can about this. Leaving for the pros early when you're playing D-III is indescribably stupid.
Depends on whether this was the opportune time to make a run at the dream rather than waiting for a shot that never arrives. He can still finish the education. And maybe he had enough of you know who!![]()
The text:
Hince was a good student too? Something is missing here. Perhaps he just couldn't afford it. Too bad, wish him the best.
We missed the first period, it was a one-goal game after that, same at the end of P2. After watching the second period against a like 1-5 team I thought that Coach Ed is going to have his work cut out for him this year. After the second intermission the guys started clicking and they pulled away. Hey, with all the new kids and about two days of "official" practices under their belts (oops, suspenders) they barely know each other's names! Campus Center was a sellout- 3000, good to see.
Forgot to include 2010 in thread title. Copied everything that was in previous regular season thread into this one.