The Men's team uses their locker room in the Schott, and then gets on a bus to go to the Ice Rink. Putting on skates at the Ice Rink.Several years ago OSU built a basketball practice facility onto the Schott so conflicts of use of the main arena is minimized from what it was.
It takes approximately 3 hours for the arena be switched between basketball and hockey. When there is a conflict the men shuttle to the women's ice for practice.
It's good to be positive and say the glass is half full. And yes, the two buildings are within walking distance of each other. For the average pedestrian, crossing the Olentangy is no big deal. It's the smaller of the two Columbus rivers. But is there really any doubt that the players would love to be done with that bus ride?It's not a huge inconvenience as the two buildings are within sight of each other just separated by the river.
Your last two comments, taken together, make me nervous. It adds up to: "Somewhere, over the rainbow, we're building you Pegula West. The present set-up is OK. That's why we're doing nothing for the foreseeable future."
On this item, I hope we're both wrong. The Women's program deserves a rink of their own, and they deserve it now.