Re: Official 2009-2010 Miami season thread part II: Unfinished Business
In trying to bridge this topic from our thread over to yours I have a question I'm curious about for all you Miami fans about going from Redskins to Redhawks. I've been getting the impression that the younger generations seem to be complacent about it while older alums don't like it at all. Any thoughts that I'm accurate on this assumption? And if any of you are versed in your school's history when was the Redskins name originally adopted by the university?
The "younger generations" aren't necessarily complacent. It's more that the discussion is just irrelevant to them. We applied to be a RedHawk, we attended school as RedHawks, and we graduated as RedHawks. Any alumni in this situation who profess anger at the change (barring pre-1997 experiences) are probably just full of it.
I was one of those "TeleHawks" students who called alumni to ask them to contribute to the University, and it was disheartening to hear so many older alumni flat out refuse to contribute (and often take their anger out on me) for no reason other than the mascot change. What I've heard time and again from disgruntled "Redskin" alumni is that it wasn't the change itself that angered them, but rather the way the University handled it. There's anger that the change was instigated on the University side, and the tribe was only brought it to force the matter. There's anger about the fact that the alumni were largely excluded from the entire process. Fine. Be angry at the old administration that pushed for the change. Be angry at the way the process was handled.
However, it is absurd to continue taking out this anger on the University today. If the alumni didn't have a say in the matter, current and future students
definitely had no say in the matter. Withholding contributions to the Annual Fund in an attempt to make a statement about how angry you are clearly hasn't changed anything in the past 13 years and it's unlikely to change anything in the future, but it
has hurt all of the students who were not granted the financial aid that otherwise would have been funded and available. Despite what some may proclaim, Miami is
definitely not less of a University, and the students are
definitely not less deserving, because we are proud to be RedHawks instead of Redskins.
If you truly, passionately care (or, cared) about Miami University and Miami athletics, then your loyalty should run deeper than a mascot.
Respect the past but embrace the present. For Love & Honor.