Re: ObamaRama 8
You won't see any 10 seat swing in the senate-there are only 33 or 34 races for the senate being held and I would guess that 25-30 of them are a lock for the incumbent. The house is a different story with all 435 seats up for election-but there too many seats are vitual locks and I am just ot sure how many will be competitive. I do agree, however, that this bill was rushed through with all the faults intact.
maybe. But I wouldn't underestimate how much of a game-changer this is. We're a country that leans closer still to the rugged individualism that was such a defining element of our first years. We're more Ayn Rand, then Saul Alinsky.
As for locks...I'm not as certain.....In Wisconsin for example, Russ Feingold. Lock, right?
but if Tommy Thompson runs against him and campaigns on the healthcare bill, pro-military, pro-USA (vs obama's world-wide apology tour), anti cap and trade, etc. etc. The dems lose what was seen as a lock.
this 2010 election is going to be enormous and I may be overly optimistic right now but I honestly think a 10 seat swing in the senate is on it's way.
I marked in bold some people who may be in trouble in 2010.
weigh in, some of the states/senators I'm not so sure on
Retiring Senators
Ted Kaufman (D) of Delaware
Kit Bond (R) of Missouri
Sam Brownback (R) of Kansas
Mel Martinez (R) of Florida (
to be replaced by Marco Rubio?)
George Voinovich (R) of Ohio
Democratic incumbents
Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas
Barbara Boxer of California
Michael Bennet of Colorado
Christopher Dodd of Connecticut
Daniel Inouye of Hawaii
Roland Burris of Illinois
Evan Bayh of Indiana
Barbara Mikulski of Maryland
Harry Reid of Nevada
Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
Chuck Schumer of New York
Byron Dorgan of North Dakota
Ron Wyden of Oregon
Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania
Patrick Leahy of Vermont
Patty Murray of Washington
Russ Feingold of Wisconsin
Republican incumbents
Richard Shelby of Alabama
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
John McCain of Arizona
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Mike Crapo of Idaho
Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Jim Bunning of Kentucky
David Vitter of Louisiana
Judd Gregg of New Hampshire
Richard Burr of North Carolina
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
Jim DeMint of South Carolina
John Thune of South Dakota
Bob Bennett of Utah