Bachmann quickly turned the question on its head, going on to rail about the bailout of Wall Street. This, she blamed entirely on politicians in Washington, with other references to "Fannie and Freddie" -- one of which financed her home loan! -- but not a single mention of mistakes made by the bankers and traders.
Bachmann wound up her question saying people are "rightly concerned about" the bailout of Wall Street.
Typical response to Wall Street protester: the problem isn't here, it's in DC.
Typical response to DC protester: the problem isn't here, it's on Wall Street.
Hmmmm...I think I see where the problem really is...
Resolved that: The Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Senate, in alliance with a global Progressive socialist movement, have participated in what appears to be a globalist socialist agenda of redistribution of wealth, and the waging of class warfare against our constitutional republic's heritage of individual rights, free market capitalism, and indeed our Constitution itself, with the ultimate goal of collapsing the U.S. economy and globalizing us into socialism.
Resolved that: President Obama has seized what amount to dictatorial powers to bypass our Congress, and that because the Congress is controlled by a Progressive socialist Senate that will not impeach one of their kind, they have allowed this and yielded what are rightfully congressional powers to this new dictator.
Resolved that: By their agenda and actions, those in our government who swore oaths to protect and defend our Constitution have committed treason against the United States.
Resolved that: The current administration and Democrat majority in the Senate, in conjunction with Progressive socialists from all around the country, especially those from Hollywood and the left leaning news media (Indeed, most of the news media.) have worked in unison to advance an anti-business, an anti-free market, and an anti-capitalist (anti-individual rights and property ownership) agenda.
Resolved that: Our President, the Democrats-Socialists, most of the media, and most of those from Hollywood, have now encouraged and supported "Occupy" demonstrations in our streets, which are now being perpetrated across the globe, and which are being populated by various marxists, socialists and even communists, and are protesting against business, private property ownership and capitalism, something I thought I'd never see in my country, in my lifetime.
I, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped.
- Tuition reform. JFC. It should not cost mid-five figures to get a competitive education in a first world country. PERIOD. I don't see how we're going to compete with China, India, etc. if no one can afford to go to school. Doesn't have to be forgiveness (though holy crap would that jump-start the economy.) I'd be perfectly happy with a program that allows students to work off their student loan debt, or provides a full or partial ride in exchange for X months/years of work. Work for the Peace Corps, or live at home and work in your community for Habitat for Humanity, troubled schools, etc. for a few years, and they'll pay for your degree. (This already kind of exists - if you work for the federal government for 10 years out of college, your remaining student loan balance gets wiped.
- Higher education reform in general. Specifically, an emphasis that it's okay NOT to go to college, and there are viable options for people other than college. NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO TO COLLEGE. Some fields require it, for good reason (engineering, medicine, law, etc.) Some really have no reason for doing so. This was part of the problem in the first place - parents and guidance counselors have pounded it into their snowflakes' heads (mine included) that their options in life are "college" or "van down by the river." The HR departments don't help any by throwing out the resume of anyone who doesn't have the magic piece of paper. Anyone who does some research on learning a trade and entering the workforce is automatically labeled a life loser for his trouble. If my 17-year-old came up to me and said "I have an inkling of what I might like to do in college, but I'd rather not risk five figures of debt on finding out for sure. I'd like to apprentice plumbing with my uncle, enter the workforce right away, make some money, then decide for sure what I'd like to do in college, should I need it" I'd give him a standing ovation. College can wait, if it's needed at all. (There's another problem - rushing people into college directly from high school through repayment activation, etc.)
As you say, though, aren't there a number of programs already like this. Plain and simple, when it comes down to going the safe route in such a program and getting free of debt, or going with loans and hoping you'll strike it rich and make enough the pay them off, the vast majority of people still prefer the latter. People keep saying they would gladly take such a program but ignore the ones already present.
There's a couple programs that weren't / aren't very well publicized:I actually didn't know about the 10-year thing until just recently, actually. Assuming these programs exist, they need to advertise them more. If not, create them. College paid for and relevant work experience to put on your resume - you've just solved the entry-level trap a lot of graduates see. Plus it keeps the "WHARRGARBL YOU SPOILED ENTITLED GEN-Y BRATS JUST WANT A FREE RIDE" crowd from piping up.
I'm thinking it's not especially a good idea to use the "golf course" reference, given President Expiration Date's multiple trips to the links.
There's a couple programs that weren't / aren't very well publicized:
- Perkins loan forgiveness: if you work in certain areas of public service, you can take advantage of this.
- EDRP (education debt reduction program): if you work for the government in certain healthcare professions, you can get a significant amount of your student loan payments reimbursed over a period of five years - however, the program is limited to in-demand professions, and some of them only qualify in certain locales.
The Venn Diagram hit on Romney made me laugh out loud.It must be tough for Republicans to love America so much but hate almost three-quarters of the people living in it.
that's not safe territory for an Obama apologist... just sayin.Cain actually is a good businessman...
I could use a few bucks...think I'll run for the GOP nomination.Cain actually is a good businessman...