Re: Obama XVIII : Now with 100% more Gov't sponsored starvation
Good post.
Its important to keep things in context. The country was in horrible shape when Obama came in. To date, he hasn't brought the change many of us would have date, he has delivered a stable platform for economic recovery. Just as with W in 2003...there is far more time where O will cement his legacy.
Has he brought any of the changes we would have wanted? Except for the minority - minority! - who wished Obamacare upon us? I'm trying to play devil's advocate and think what the progressives might say.... hmmm, it's tough....
Actually, no, it's easy. The only changes we have seen under Obama are changes that the majority of Americans disapprove of.
And this is exactly why anyone clamoring for Republican leadership needs to realize how boned we are no matter which way Congress swings.
Oh, and the ethanol thing? I think of it long term. Name a country better suited to start growing its own fuel on an annual basis once we start to realize that we can't rely on fossil fuels forever. Granted, wind and solar energy should (hopefully) be more viable options by then, but ethanol is a nice way to hedge our bets without having to rely on nuclear energy.
Brazil is much better, I think. From what I understand, 40% of its cars are flexfuel powered in part by sugarcane-powered ethanol. I'd be surprised that America has the climate to match that, though. As much as solar can be milked, that's great. Wind power is a false prophet for the greens, we'll never be able to power even 10% of our grid with wind.
There's nothing nice about delaying our inevitable conversion to nuclear power.
Indeed! I love it when a staunch conservative like me and an alum of a very progressive liberal Ivy school can agree. Educated guess here, a commercial nuclear plant produces 500 pounds of waste every 20 years? And it's solid waste, easily transportable. If it weren't for blind devotion to putting political ideology over the environment, the liberals would whole-heartedly embrace nuclear power. That's not an educated guess.
Whenever this or any other administration has tried to do this, its opponents get on the hobby horse and yell about "egg-heads" or "elitists" or "intellectuals." God help us if we ever approach a policy discussion based on something other than homespun wisdom and barber shop bromides.
Anyone who challenges the conventional wisdom from either side is hooted down as "ivory tower." If math were run according to political rules, we'd never have progressed beyond addition. "Calculus?! Well, la-tee-da -- we don't need that in Real Amurrka."
Democracy is a fine system, but it has the disadvantage of being the last refuge of the incompetent, because every idiot's opinion is treated as if it was of equal weight and worth. In a world where all the important things depend on intelligence and training, politics and political commentary (and sports journalism) are the only places left where people with no ability or education are still taken seriously.
Hmm, Kepler whines about people castigating "intellectualism" and then in the next sentence cuts down "homespun wisdom" and "barber shop bromides." This is another great example from Kepler of people who think, "You're not smart enough to debate this topic. I am, but you aren't." Why they mostly come from left is beyond me, but that's not important.
My only point is to point out the flaw in Kepler's intellectual vanity. Kepler's self-love of his intellect is inherently authoritarian, because it's anti-democratic. America is about including every opinion, no matter how moronic - thus, the rise of internet forums and blogs. The self-styled "intellectual" liberal progressives seem to despise free speech and arguments that disagree with them, no matter how intelligent or how moronic. So small-time liberal progressives like Kepler make comments like "barber shop bromides" and Obama uses the Presidential bully pulpit to suggest that "all dissenters shut up and get out of the way," and here we are.
It is class warefare, in their minds - them elite intellectuals who want to make everything right through trillions - and quadrillions, before too long - of dollars of spending. And if they don't see you in their little mirror of vanity to be "intellectual" enough or "progressive" enough, then your opinions are not welcome. Line up and take your marching orders or just "shut up" as that incompetant man in the Oval Office said. Basically, if you're not in their club, line up and take marching orders or shut up and get out of the way. That is the self-styled "intellectualist" progressive liberal's view of you and me. Totally non-inclusive - how democratic and egalitarian progressive liberals are... not...
EDIT: And if a self-styled intellectual that thinks they might be smarter than anyone can't deflate/disprove the arguments of idiots, then how intelligent can they possibly be?
As you have seen with Obama's plummetting ratings and the disastrous 2010 elections for the progressives, us normal people are waking up in droves. So many of us have just been concentrating on enjoying ourselves and making our lives better, but now we are refocusing on what Congress - and the liberal progressives who dominate it - are doing. Intellectual elitism doesn't work for American politics, nor does it work for the American economy. Common sense. It can't be found in Republicans in Congress, much less Democrats. We are awake now. Intellectual dishonesty isn't a crime per se, but the damage it does is criminal. We MUST watch these people who think they can rob and disenfranchise us from our rights simply because they when to a school that told them they are better than us.
They are they elite, they say. Sure, I won't argue that. We, however - we are the heart and soul of America. America is OUR country - these intellectual wannabe liberal progressives didn't build America - we did! You already know this - when we clash ideologically with liberal progressives, our argument is true and right! Of course it is, this is America - we Americans reject far left progressive philosophies...
Despite what you hear from the so-called "intellectuals" on the left, America has a shining future, and still remains to be the City on the Hill. Our ideals are the hope and the light. We are fighting for the future though, it does hang in the balance.... We need to hear from every American and hear your voice for freedom!