Re: Obama XVII: Do You Take Your Tea Party with One Sugar or Two?
I like the concept in general, although your higher income tax levels, topping out at 90 percent, aren't realistic. If I make $801,000, are you really taking $720,900 in taxes (before state and other taxes take an additional bite)? Wow!
Sure*, because as you get higher, there's significantly less effort to go even higher, so the "bite" in terms of exerting yourself is the same. Money begets money, and if we have to choose I'd rather tax money than sweat. I do take the lesson about everybody having skin in the game, though, hence drive out the "free rider" problem by zeroing out all the exemptions and deductions.
We actually did have 90% rates in our history, BTW.
The more you help people on the bottom from the start, the less you have to help them throughout life -- a billion dollars to AFDC and Head Start saves 100 billion dollars to prisons and drug rehab. A billion dollars to schools saves 100 billion dollars in welfare payments. A billion dollars to affordable medicine and child care would save 100 billion dollars in welfare fraud and emergency room costs.
We tried trickle down. It's a catastrophic failure, and not just morally, but pragmatically. It's worse than a crime, it's a blunder. A nation of middle class shopkeepers is just a better place to live.
BTW, I would like to see states collect revenues via consumption rather than income taxes. I would be for eliminating state and local income taxes COMPLETELY and replacing them with sales, excise and property taxes. It would also be nice if they were uniform, since that would stop the Race to the Bottom where everybody winds up as a third world Mississippi out of terror of corporate flight.
* I didn't do the math (it would be an easy algorithm), but note of course the higher rates are marginal -- they only apply to the higher dollar. So, Bob Gray, Millionaire, still only pays 10% on his first 10,000 smackeroos.