Re: Obama XV: Now, with 20% more rage
A couple of observations: I don't care what nomenclature we use--call it Islamic Outreach, just kill those bastiches, and keep on killing them. What percentage of the world's one billion Muslims they represent is important only in the sense of the amount of resources we need to allocate to eradicate them. Call the Orkin Man. If Obama wants to call them "man caused disasters" while ramping up the effort to rid the world of these p****s, fine by me.
"Dr." Hasan will undoubtedly plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Insanity is a legal, and not a clinical term. You'll never hear any psychiatrist use the term, unless he's testifying. The standard is the MacNaughton rule (apologies to you lawyers) which holds that a man is insane if he couldn't appreciate the nature of his acts.
Well, by the standards of normal people, opening fire in a room crowded with colleagues IS insane. But this piece of s**t new exactly what he was doing, and why. What is interesting and hugely scary about Hasan is why a field grade officer in the United States Army, a guy who owed everything to Uncle Sam--who paid for all of his schooling--would do it. Never mind the fact that Hasan eviedently glowed in the dark with hatred for America and American soldiers, but no one in the Army could pull the trigger and send him packing. Yer outta here.
What is it about the appeal of Islamism to some Muslims--many of them apparantly thoroughly assimilated--that draws them in to a nihilist philosophy which rejects loyalty to the country of their birth, demands total rejection of all of their beliefs, and the killing of as many innocent people as possible? "Dr." Hasan was no middle eastern nutbar, roaming around on the "Arab street," he is a highly educated man (courtesy of Great Satan taxpayers), who decided his faith required him to commit mass murder. He is not insane in the legal sense, and should pay for his crimes with his life. I'm not optimistic that will be the outcome, given the Army and by extension DOD have been very PC in this affair from the beginning. After all, we wouldn't want any savages to take to the streets demanding "death to the great Satan" would we? Can't ruffle the feathers of these 8th century maniacs, can we? To me it's a fairly straight forward proposition: you kill us and we'll kill you.
The built in excuse machine for Muslim killers immediately rattled into action after Hasan's crimes. Remember: he had been ragged on by other soldiers (mostly enlisted) about his religion. Let me tell you how it works. As an enlisted, you shoot off your mouth about an officer's religion or ethnic heritage, and he or another officer hears you, you've had it. Article 15, confinement, reduction in pay, less than honorable discharge. You'll think the barracks collapsed on you. So that dog simply won't hunt.
"Dr." Hasan is what scares me most, for if a guy like that can be turned into a remorseless killer, how can we expect to win this, uh, Police Action?