Re: Obama XV: Now, with 20% more rage
One of the quickest ways to get people spending again (who aren't spending now) would have been to extend unemployment benefits, no?
If I needed unemployment benefits I wouldn't be using the $ to buy anything more than the necessities. I'd live like Thoreau if I depended on unemployment for any length of time.
if you expect people who are jobless to run and spend unemployment checks on things other than necessities I'm not sure if you want to encourage dependency of if you think people spend unemployment (and not doubt some do) like high school kids spend their part-time $. to expect people to do this is I'd argue tacitly encouraging failure.
and by no means does spending unemployment $ boost an economy anyway. there's simply not enough $ nor inertia there.
each time we cycle through periods of high taxes and then get tax cuts from a reagan-type we have to re-learn over and over what seems a basic truth (and John Kennedy seems to be the last major democrat who understood this)...
in periods of Reagan or Bush II tax cuts the economy improves because there is more money flowing through the system, more money for you and I to spend or save, and for the real movers, CEO's, Managers, etc, that's more money to hire or consider opening a new store, etc. that perpetuates itself.
then, for liberals, there is also more $ flowing into the government coffers as a result as well.
there's been a lot of talk lately about recession #2 as it's beginning to look unavoidable. what's scary to me is how Obama and Bernake are reacting to all of this.
If Obama has any part of the "smartest man to ever reside at 1600 pennsylvania" he'd call Steve Wynn (my preference) or Warren Buffet to Washington tomorrow, let them go to work and basically give them the next 2 years to produce and implement economic policy in this country with no input whatsoever from Obama or any of his "still in college dorm" mentality Alinksyites.