Why must it be more than policy disagreements, you were and are livid about Bush, you hate him, why can't others hate Obama based on what they've seen and heard. I don't doubt people hate cause he's black, its not all their is to this though.
In comments on this site, jconservative raises good points. He says,
The public sat by & watched Bush 43 double the deficit & did not raise a peep. Now they are up in arms, & rightly so. It is everything coming to a head in the past year. It started in Oct 2008 with the bailing out of Wall Street – and Wall Street as always been a “them”.
Billions of taxpayer money to bail out people getting millions in bonuses. The financial crash & the 401K’s becoming 101K’s, & dreams of retirement out the door. The real estate market in total collapse & millions of people upside down on their home mortgages. People now feel that they were lied to on Iraq and a bad idea became a worse plan in the execution. Now Afghanistan has fallen apart & people are thinking maybe we should have stayed out in the first place.
But I doubt that the tens of thousands who marched on Washington on Saturday would have been there if John McCain had been elected and the deficit was the same. I can’t believe those conservatives/libertarians would have mounted the same demonstration against a Republican president.
Are they aware that the largest two-year tax cut in U.S. history — $282 billion — was enacted as part of Obama’s stimulus package.
As for the wiretapping, etc. etc. I'm not convinced BHO is an improvement there either.
You mean that video clip wasn't cherry picked to pick out the least intelligent sounding teabaggers they could find? And it wasn't produced by a left leaning blogger?Because if it were about policy disagreements, you would think they'd have at least some inkling of the content of the policy with which they disagree.
But they don't. They just know he's a fascist, or a communist, or a socialist, who's destroying the Constitution and the country. And they just want their country back.
And anyone who thinks that the left wing main stream medium is entirely responsible for any of the idiotic behavior of the Tea Party is a ****ing loon. Want to see stupid people? Go to places where people gather in large groups. Any one dressing up as minuteman had better be a historical re-enactor.
Were good.I think the Joe Wilson is a Racist brigade is embarassing themselves almost as bad as the **** bag and his idiot "liar" comment ever did. At least he apologized.
And anyone who thinks that the left wing main stream medium is entirely responsible for any of the idiotic behavior of the Tea Party is a ****ing loon. Want to see stupid people? Go to places where people gather in large groups. Any one dressing up as minuteman had better be a historical re-enactor.
Anyone else I can irritate this evening?
Anyone else I can irritate this evening?
As for the wiretapping, etc. etc. I'm not convinced BHO is an improvement there either.
Survey: 40% of employers to raise cost of medical benefits
With or without an overhaul of the U.S. health care system, many businesses plan to raise the cost of employees' medical benefits, according to a survey. The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust found that 40% of employers expect to increase the amount workers pay out of pocket to visit a doctor. Increases to employee payment for prescription medication also are in the works, many businesses said. The Washington Post (16 Sep.)
I love the thread title.
And Jimmy Carter is an idiot for joining "Race Carders." These people are about as ridiculous as the "Deathers" and the "Birthers."
Don't agree with Carter's comments but the connection doesn't hold. Obama wasn't born outside of the US (sorry Patman) nor is he setting up death panels for health care. There are a signficant amount (but IMHO a minority) of people opposed to Obama because of his race. That does actually exist, just how much of it is tough to guage.